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szukane wyrażenie: "Kowalska, Faustyna" | znaleziono 2 opisów(-y) | strona: 1 spośród: 1

autor: Lancton, T.
tytuł: O Duchu Świętym w "Dzienniczku" św. Faustyny
Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) 203-216          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: miłosierdzie BożeKowalska, FaustynaDuch Świętyprzebaczenie grzechówDuch miłosierdzia

The Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, though well known for its description of Jesus as the merciful Savior, lacks a comparable description of the role of the Holy Spirit in relation to Divine Mercy. One must understand the theological context of St. Faustina, of the Holy Spirit and Divine Mercy to see more clearly their connection. Whereas the merciful Jesus is the author of sanctification, the giver of Divine Mercy, the Holy Spirit is the very gift of mercy, gushing forth from His Sacred Heart in the rays of Blood and Water, which both forgives sins and lifts us from our misery to participate in the divine life of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the very content of Divine Mercy, for as goodness is ascribed to Him in a pre-eminent way, so too is mercy, removing our defects by filling us with His goodness and perfections.

autor: Raczyński-Rożek, M.
tytuł: Somiglianze nella visione delle «cose ultime» tra Hans Urs von Balthasar e Faustina Kowalska
Teologia w Polsce 11,1 (2017) 129-145          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: eschatologianadziejapiekłoBalthasar, Han Urs vonKowalska, Faustyna

Teologia del XX secolo ha sottolineato di nuovo la dipendenza reciproca tra la teologia e la spiritualità: la teologia deve interpretare la mistica e la mistica deve approfondire le riflessioni teologiche. Questa dipendenza si realizza chiaramente nelle opere di Hans Urs von Balthasar, uno dei teologi più significativi della teologia contemporanea. Ispirante e interessante è la somiglianza tra il suddetto teologo e la mistica polacca, Faustyna Kowalska. Nonostante, entrambi non hanno mai sentito uno dell'altro, si possono trovare le osservazioni simili e non ovvi in diverse descrizioni della realtà di Dio. L'articolo si limita alle questioni escatologiche.
The twentieth century theology has underlined the interdependence of theology and spirituality: the role of theology is to interpret spirituality and spirituality is to give a new life to theology. We can observe this dependence clearly in Hans Urs von Balthasar's works. He was one of the restorers of the contemporary theology. The similarities between the theologian from Switzerland and Polish mystic Faustyna Kowalska are inspiring and interesting. The two, who have never heard about each other, have similar points of view in some aspects of reflection about God. The purpose of this article is to show these similarities in the field of eschatology. It means, exactly, a new perception of the judgment, eternal happiness and punishment in purgatory and hell

strona: 1 spośród: 1

znaleziono: 2 opisów(-y)